Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick-or-Treating --- the new singles' scene??

I live in a very family-oriented neighbourhood with lots and lots of little kiddies and very little traffic which makes it a fabulous neighbourhood for trick-or-treating, so Maggie had lots of kids and bags to poke her nose at when we were out for our evening constitutional. As we were on our way home we walked past a dad obviously waiting for his kids.

“Great costume” he said


“The retriever – great costume”

“Yeah, thanks, pretty realistic, eh?”

“Are you out with your kids?”

“Uh, no, no kids, just walking the dog” as I move away, closer to my own driveway

“Dad!!! Come on!!! Let’s go!!!!”

“Here, have a KitKat”


“Thanks for the candy”

“You’re welcome. You’re the best I’ve seen tonight”

I giggled my way into the house. I guess I was really working the sexy fleece and pink toque I had on last night!!

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