Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas

Monday, August 28, 2006

Puggle is "IT"!!

For those of you new to this space (or those of you who don't remember each and every entry I have posted, for shame!!), Decker is one of the dogs who stays with Miss Maggie and me when his dads go out of town. Decker is a puggle and really quite unique and adorable. After his first stay with us I posted some of his puppy pictures. This post was then linked here and touted as a "cure for depression". The photo was subsequently picked up by puggle.org and made "pic of the week".

And now, this:

Decker's dads were in NYC a few weeks ago and one of their friends showed them this article. Our little Decker has certainly made the big time!

Now, how to parlay this into hooking up with Jake Gyllenhaal ........

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