Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas

Monday, July 31, 2006

Scruffy, but in a clean, sexy way

At George in Yaletown Friday night having cocktails with a friend. We both noted an extremely attractive, if slightly scruffy but in a good, clean way, man on the patio at a table with several other people who all seemed rather plastic and pretentious.

"He reads books and builds things and has excellent manners" was my friend's comment

"He has that dead sexy Billy Campbell thing going on" I noted

hey, wait a minute, it is Billy Campbell

I tried rather unsuccessfully not to stare, but really, can you blame a girl??

(and he has quite possibly the NICEST hands I have ever seen)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Biscuit's Dad Part Deux

At the urging of my friend Sarah, I placed the following ad in last week's Georgia Straight "I Saw You" section:

Monday, July 17, 2006

A dog named Biscuit

ok, so this may sound weird, but whatever

yesterday (Sunday) I met a lovely golden retriever named "Biscuit" on Yew Street in Kitsilano. Lovely dog with an even lovelier owner. Stupid me decided to actually continue in my own direction when our paths parted so as to accomplish my errands as opposed to doing the smart thing and turning in the SAME direction as Biscuit and her owner for continued conversation adn potentially ....


So, anyone here in Vancouver know of a golden retriever named Biscuiit who lives in Kits??

Let's just think of this as a great scavenger hunt of sorts :)

it ain't what it's cracked up to be, apparently

overheard at a local Kitsilano watering hole:

"my apartment's immaculate, I have a cute dog, I'm on a television soap opera and I STILL CAN"T GET LAID!!!!!!!!"

you just have to laugh, non?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

so I'm donning a wimple

So yeah, I KNEW it was too good to be true ---- he has a girlfriend. Or, rather, an ex-girlfriend that he has decided to try and work things out with. I KNEW IT!!!! It was going too well. You see that’s how my life generally works, and people wonder why I am so wary and guarded and all that. And it all started out to well ….

We met walking our dogs, he took Maggie and me for dinner. We had fun. Then he took us on a picnic --- Lighthouse Park, there was wine, yummy food, we looked at the stars. Again, a lovely evening --- tall, handsome, “single” , never married, no kids, viably employed (architect), dog, house, well dressed with a good sense of style, ALL GOOD (and the polar opposite (but for the handsome part) of Peter, the ex-non-date). We went for a dinner sans dogs on the weekend, the Grouse Nest, and had another wonderful time. “Maybe this will work” I thought to myself. “Maybe I am now ready to move on from that other jerk” maybe, maybe, maybe.

Well, apparently not. Seems his ex-girlfriend, with whom he was involved for 3 years and broke up with 6 months ago, is back and they he says he owes it to her, him, them to try and work it out.


That’s it. I’m DONE. Calling Sister Mary Catherine and joining the bloody convent.

Monday, July 10, 2006

weekend adventures

I spent Saturday at Lynn Canyon with my 3 nieces, 1 nephew, 2 cousins and my aunt (grandmother to the aforementioned children) I refer to the kids as my nieces and nephews because, while technically not accurate, I consider their parents my siblings hence their offspring nieces and nephews. Also, it's lots easier to say than "the children of my cousins".

I LOVE these photos even though I have obviously sacrificed any attempt at flattering angles and personal photo op vanity for the sake of keeping the 4 year old safe (read dry and not swept off by the rather swift (and bloody freezing) current).

Friday, July 07, 2006


Situation 1 - good friend has recently gotten back together with a PSYCHO ex-girlfriend and they appear to be deliriously happy. Problem is, she is SERIOUSLY PSYCHOTIC and this is not just from how she acted during their relationship the first time 'round --- this comes from independent 3rd parties who know her in a professional sense. Trying to be happy for him, but he just sent me photos from their recent bike trip down the coast and the mere sight of her makes me cringe.

Situation 2 - there is a woman I work with who is most probably in her early to mid 50's. Not to put too fine a point on it, she has a tendency to err on the mutton as lamb side of fashion choices. This does not make her a bad person. In fact, she is lovely and I enjoy working with her. Yesterday she left early for a doctor's appointment which I later found out (quite by accident) was for botox injections. She looks decidedly odd today and I am doing my best not to stare.

I really, really, really hope that I am able to keep that pesky inside voice inside (as it does have a tendency to slip out at THE MOST inopportune moments .....)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

kids and nudity

*Editor's Note: The anecdotes below ARE NOT mine -- they are taken from two separate emails I received today from two separate friends. I DID NOT magically acquire a husband and/or children over the Canada Day long weekend (much to my mother's dismay, I am sure) --- Management apologizes for any confusion this may otherwise have caused ...

2 posts in a day is un peut trop I realize, but this kind of goes with the earlier one (in that it involves kids)

Example 1:

Wreck Beach - total mistake. The 1000 stairs and complete absence of children should of been our first clue. We get to the bottom and then the gravity of nakedness hits. My husband, being the white bread boy that he is, was disgusted and wanted to leave ASAP. Apparently, in his opinion, nudity should be saved for airbrushed porn. The girls, who hadn't noticed the bareness at this point, started to cry since they were a stones throw away from the water and were hot are ready to collect shells etc. So I suggested we stay (the nudity didn't bother me at all) until they start to notice. Well, within a minute and half daughter 1 (age 8) starts to giggle etc. I told her to keep her head down and mind her own business. Daughter 3 (age 4) was completely clueless (and still is). Husband could only handle it for about 15 minutes then demanded that we leave. It wasn't until our departure that Daughter 2 (age 6) noticed all the tanning schlongs and was quite offended by the whole scene. Another BC tale to tell!

Example 2:

I was suntanning naked on Sunday with my son (at a friend's private pool). No one else was there. Son said: "oh mom do you have to keep taking your dress off everytime you get a chance".

My answer: "of course".

The most effective form of birth control

I just spent the past 4 days with my best friend, Andy, and her 3 kids --- Keighley age 6, Brenna age 4 and Fraser age 18 mos.

I got home last night and hugged Maggie for a VERY long time.

photos to follow ......