Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas

Thursday, May 26, 2005

What's bugging me at the moment

  1. the sound of flip-flops in the office - I know that they are trendy, but come on, this is the office for crying out loud
  2. smelly bike couriers in the elevator - I realize that sweating is part of the job, but deoderant is widely available and a shower once in a while wouldn't kill you (and might just save the rest of us)
  3. the fact that a plane ticket to Montreal costs over $700.00 round trip --- WTF???
  4. that it is sunny outside and I am stuck in the office; I swear the beach is calling my name
  5. wifebeaters as fashion --- gee, thanks Eminem, without you I would never have been exposed to the wonders of male body hair in obscure places

I am sure there will be more as the day progresses


thestraightpoop said...

People who slam the car door too hard. I mean really, is it necessary to strong arm the poor door to the point of nearly pulling it through? On the other hand, I also hate car doors that don't close when you do give it a good pull. Yeah, everything pisses me off a little some days.

Kathryn said...

tsp - no kidding!! we were broken of that habit as young children by my mother.

"delta" - again your message is clear and people are stupid

Anonymous said...

definately kids who pick their noses and then eat it